Holy Week begins

Our remembrance of Palm Sunday started off Holy Week activities at First Christian Church.  The day included the children processing in with the palms and an after-worship service project assembling hygiene kits for to be donated through Church World Service to people facing natural disasters, grinding poverty or violence: http://www.cwsglobal.org/get-involved/kits/hygiene-kits.html

This IMG_1748.JPGweek’s activities will include:

Maundy Thursday, April 2nd @ 7:00 p.m. We will have a Taize Prayer Service this evening. This type of prayer involves the signing of simple songs, the hearing of Scripture, the receiving of Communion and the experience of praying in silence. It is based on the prayer services of the Taize Community in France whose goal is to bring peace in the world through the creation of peace in the individual’s life and heart. The worship group is working hard to make this a visually beautiful and meaningful service.

Good Friday, April 3rd @ 7:00 p.m. The Tenebrae (or shadows) service leads us through the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. We have a very special activity planned for the service involving the creation of a prayer table to be used after Lent and Easter to create a prayer station in our Sanctuary. You will not want to miss this powerful and moving service.

Easter Breakfast, April 5th @ 8:00 a.m.: The Men’s group will provide a wonderful breakfast on Easter morning at 8:00 a.m. If you came last year, you know that this was a fabulous meal and promises to be so once again this year. The men will be accepting donations to be added to the builIMG_1749.JPGding fund for needed drainage and roofing repairs.

Easter egg hunt, April 5th @ 9;00 a.m. After you’ve enjoyed breakfast, join us for an Easter egg hunt. All ages welcome.

Easter morning worship @ 10:15 a.m.





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