Good Friday Tenebrae

April 18, 2025 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Place : 432 Wood Ave., Sumner, WA 98390
Phone : 253-863-7858
Email :

It is difficult to understand why the Friday of Jesus’ crucifixion and death is called good. Indeed this story of injustice and trauma is triggering for so many living in these times. Whether we have experienced personal loss, change and trauma, or we are processing the trauma of having lived through two years of pandemic or the spectacle of war and violence, it is hard to enter the story of this Friday and call it good. So we gather, in the midst of what is bad, to remember that God in Christ knows our pain, has suffered our sufferings, and stands with us.

We will gather at 6:00 p.m. in our Sanctuary and on Facebook for a Tenebrae service, which is a service of shadows. We will sing and spend time in quiet prayer.