Coronavirus and Worship

We are monitoring news and developments about the Coronavirus and wanted to give you an update on Communal worship here at Sumner First Christian Church. Currently we worship on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. and there are some elements of our gathering that we wanted to address in light of public health.  

Because worship is a communal experience and we gather together in one place, we want to take any necessary precautions to keep each other safe and healthy.

Right now, the best recommendations we have are:

  • If you do not feel well, stay home. If you have flu like symptoms, contact your health care provider before going in to be seen.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (sing happy birthday or the ABC song to get a sense of how long you need to wash your hands).
  • There are three points in our Worship service where contact with another (or the passing of germs from one to another is possible):The Passing of the Peace, Communion and The Lord’s Prayer
  • You may wish to use the hand sanitizer before and after each of these to reduce risk (and you need to rub hand sanitizer until it dries in order for it to be most effective).
  • You may wish to refrain from shaking hands during the passing of the peace (some people are bumping elbows instead of shaking hands).
  • You may wish to refrain from holding your neighbor’s hand during the Lord’s prayer or, again, touching your elbows together.

On the last Sunday of each month, we take Communion by intinction which means that everyone comes forward to receive a piece of bread that is then dipped in a cup of grape juice and eaten. We will suspend Communion by intinction until the threat of viral spread has eased.

We will continue to monitor the situation, take any necessary steps to keep our worshipping community safe and continue to do God’s gracious work of love and welcoming as we are able.

Blessings to you all.

Rochelle Richards+


About the Author
Rochelle Richards is Pastor of Sumner First Christian Church.

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