A statement of welcome

Prayer is central to our faith as we seek to know and understand more about and deepen our relationship with the living God.  In prayer, we strive to discover meaning, express our deepest longings, and ask for strength to listen for God’s calling in our lives.

Because of this, we frame our statement of welcome as a prayer – praying for God’s guidance as we live into that ever-expanding circle of God’s all-inclusive love.

We, the people of Sumner First Christian Church, state that our community is open and affirming of all people, no matter their age, creed, ability, status, race, gender, sexual orientation, or expression.  This congregation is open for all people to safely explore their spiritual lives and fully participate in this community of faith.

We are also a people of the table.  We are drawn there to commune weekly with Christ.  And in the breaking of bread and the sharing of the cup with diverse groups of people, we find sustenance, fellowship, and grace in remembrance of God’s love.

We frame the declaration of this Statement of Welcome in the following prayer of blessing, “And the Table Will be Wide” by writer, theologian, and artist Jan Richardson:

“And the table
will be wide.
And the welcome
will be wide.
And the arms
will open wide
to gather us in.
And our hearts
will open wide
to receive.

And we will come
as children who trust
there is enough.
And we will come
unhindered and free.
And our aching
will be met
with bread.
And our sorrow
will be met
with wine.

And we will open our hands
to the feast
without shame.
And we will turn
toward each other
without fear.
And we will give up
our appetite
for despair.
And we will taste
and know
of delight.

And we will become bread
for a hungering world.
And we will become drink
for those who thirst.
And the blessed
will become the blessing.
And everywhere
will be the feast.”

And the Table Will Be Wide
A Blessing for World Communion Sunday
by Jan Richardson
(Used by Permission)

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