Sumner First Christian Church
432 Wood Ave.
Sumner, WA
(253) 863-7858
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
We reflect today on how the early followers of the church persevered in the face of hardship, disappointment and setbacks — as the church has ever since. It is worth it because we have something important to proclaim: In Christ Jesus there is a life that is different from anything else on this earth.
As we gather together for Worship and Fellowship, it matters; but it can’t end there. If we receive, but do not give, we are not healthy as a church. We are not whole as a community of Jesus followers.
Not only are we called upon to share the material wealth we have been given, but our spiritual wealth as well.
Today’s message is based on Acts 20: 32-35 To listen online please click on the headphone icon above right.
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